What We Do

We help film and commercial productions, studios and production companies become more sustainable, reduce their carbon footprint and eliminate waste without having to put limits on their ideas.

How We Help

Green Assessment

We analyse your film’s entire journey and, for each stage of production, we identify areas for where the environmental footprint can be improved.

Sustainability Planning

We work together with you to create a custom plan that minimises your carbon footprint and sets your production on a path to sustainability.

Carbon Footprint Calculation

We measure your production’s environmental impact and provide a detailed report with concrete carbon footprint figures.

Sustainable Supply Chain

We guide you in sourcing eco-conscious materials and working with vendors committed to sustainable practices, at affordable rates.

Energy Efficiency

We optimise the energy used on set – electricity, gas and fuel – minimising your environmental impact and production costs.

Waste Management

Develop a waste reduction and responsible disposal plan to divert waste from the landfill through recycling, composting or implementing circular strategies.

Diversity and Inclusion

We promote fair hiring practices and inclusive working environments that celebrate the industry’s rich diversity and foster healthy and safe work environments.

Sustainability Communication

We create engaging communication materials to educate and inspire your crew about your sustainability efforts, ensuring everyone contributes to a greener film.

ESG Reporting

Comply with industry standards and meet stakeholder expectations with clear and comprehensive Environmental, Social, and Governance reporting.

Find out how we can help

Send us a message and give us a call to find out how you can make your project green.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions filmmakers usually ask about film sustainability:

How much will it cost to make my film production more sustainable?

Sustainability doesn’t have to cost more! In fact, being green can actually bring you money. Green On Set can help identify cost-saving opportunities through sustainable practices (like reduced energy use) and explore green production funding options.

Will sustainable practices slow down my production?

Our sustainability plans streamline processes and integrate efficient on-set practices, ensuring that incorporating green practices in your production doesn’t slow you down or cause road blocks.

Can I still achieve my creative vision with sustainable practices?

Absolutely! At Green On Set we believe that sustainable choices can inspire innovation and problem-solving, enhancing your creative vision. Our mission is to help filmmakers like you to run sustainable productions without compromising your artistic vision.

What you gain from being green

Filming can have a big environmental impact, but going green on set isn’t just good for the planet, it’s good for your film! Here’s how:

Reduce carbon and waste footprint

Minimize your environmental impact with Green On Set’s guidance. Leave a lighter footprint on our planet.

Save money through green supply chain management

Sustainable practices often lead to cost savings. Eco-friendly materials, equipment, and vendors, can save money without sacrificing quality.

Attract sustainability-minded audiences

Today’s viewers are increasingly conscious of sustainability. Your commitment to the environment will attract an audience who shares your values.

Access green investment and grants

Green productions are becoming more attractive to investors. We’ll help you access grants and funding opportunities dedicated to sustainable filmmaking.

Get a green evaluation for your project


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+32 476 0999 12




Gent, Belgium
Bucharest, Romania

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